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Navigating Renewals in Small Commercial: Crafting Comprehensive Coverage at an Affordable Price

Published January 8, 2024 

While working on a recent renewal, Ann Marie Yuschick identified a crucial gap in coverage for a client utilizing Amish workers, prompting a necessary adjustment that increased the premium from $1,824 to $35,495 annually. Despite the initial hesitation from the client, we worked diligently to showcase the importance of comprehensive coverage.

The dramatic increase caused the client to preliminarily explore alternatives, with only basic coverage. However, our team made a final effort to tailor the coverage and reduce the annual expense. By amending excess limits and adjusting payrolls properly, we successfully reduced the premium to $15,010.

Recognizing the value of comprehensive coverage, the client embraced our offer, aligning it with their best interests. This success story highlights our commitment to finding the right balance between comprehensive coverage and affordability for our clients.